General Recommendation for the Award of Credit
The Levels
There is also the option to merge the
nine individual result scale values of the
MLI to one total value. This total value
describes the overall level of a learning
unit. Both the total value and the indivi-
dual result scales can be used as a basis
for the determination of an award of cre-
dit for a module.
The MLI values are in line with the EQF
scales.Thus, higher values mean a higher
academic level.
As a result of the hitherto conducted as-
sessment it can be expected that a clear
assignment of an accurate standard for
learning units cannot be realised for
both Bachelor and Master programmes.
Rather, there are level intervals that mer-
ge into one another. The results of a MLI
assessment can be categorised into five
different level intervals:
MLI total value < 3.5
The level of the assessed learning unit
is considerably below that of a standard
Bachelor study module. Learning units
of this category should not be awarded
with credit for Bachelor or Master pro-
grammes. The composition of the MLI
scales indicates options for a restruc-
turing of the learning unit which could
lead to an up-rating of theMLI level.Such
restructurings could include the content
of the learning units, the methods for im-
parting knowledge and / or the method
for assessing learning success.
Bachelor entry level
(3.5< total MLI value <4.5)
The level of the assessed learning unit
equates the level of typical study mo-
dules during the first semesters of a
Bachelor programme. Learning units of
this category should only be awarded
with credit if the combined total of the
modules with Bachelor entry level (inclu-
ding the module for the award of credit)
does not exceed 60 CPs. This module
should not be awarded with credit for
Master programmes.
Bachelor level
(4.5 < total MLI value < 5)
The level of the assessed learning unit
equates that of a typical learning unit
during the intermediate phase of a Ba-
chelor programme. Provided there is an
appropriate overlap of content, the lear-
ning unit should be awarded with credit
for Bachelor programmes. The learning
unit should not be awarded with credit
for Master programmes.
Bachelor-Master intermediate level
(5 < total MLI value < 5.5)
The level of the assessed learning unit
equates that of an advanced Bachelor pro-
gramme study module or that of a typical
study module at the beginning of a Master
programme. Therefore, an award of cre-
dit for Bachelor programmes is possible,
provided there is an appropriate overlap
of content. An award of credit for Master
programmes should only be applied when
the combined total of the modules with
Bachelor-Master intermediate level (inclu-
ding the module for the award of credit)
does not exceed 30 CPs.
Master level
(5.5 < Total MLI value)
The level of the assessed learning unit
equates to a standard Master study mo-
dule.Therefore, the learning units should
be awarded with credit for Bachelor and
Master programmes, provided there is
an appropriate overlap of content.
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